Book of Mysteries — Strange New Magic for your IRONCLAW campaign debuts this month

Posted by Imperator • June 1st, 2011

The latest book for IRONCLAW: SQUARING THE CIRCLE, the Book of Mysteries adds new character options and adventures for your campaign. Witness the strange ways of the Druids, whose understanding of the secret forces of the universe give them unusual reach in time and space. Encounter the Blessed, the people who can speak to the spirit realm and call forth rewards for the good and punishments for the wicked. Delve into the mystery of the organized religions of the Shining Light of All-Creation, with secret spells only understood to the priests, to the scholars, or to those who dare defy orthodox rule. All this and more can be found in IRONCLAW’s Book of Mysteries, coming later this month.

Look for BOOK OF MYSTERIES at Anthrocon and Origins Gaming Expo!